
Thursday, December 7, 2023

Our November 2023 expenses.

 Gosh.... We've been terrible about keeping up with blogging. Sorry about that!

We are still workamping here at the Willard Peak Campground. Our plan is to being here for 3 years but without a contract in place we are in praying stages not even a year offer contract. 

It's a lesson to us. Always have an backup  plan for the just in case scenario you often hear about in the RV world. ✔️ 

And because of that panic in place now, we've held off getting our newer RV so that we can save $2000 a month for 12 straight months as a security blanket that will cover us for the "just in case scenario". 

We put a financial savings plan in order and are posting it publicly so that perhaps may help others in our shoes or receive some great advice to help us out. So I'll end the post with a copy of and bid you GOOD DAY...

We are doing a 12 month Budget Challenge (We have to meet the goal in ought to shop for a newer RV - we can purchase one now but since our current workamping position turned down a contract to hold our position for 3 years, we don’t want to run the risk of having that rug pulled out from under us)


OUR November 2023 RV expenses / rv budget

Our goal to be able to purchase an RV is to save $24,000 by Nov 1, 2024 (that’s $2,000 a month). So here are our Nov Expenses: 

💸Fuel Expenses Total: $206(Car $31 - Truck $100 - Propane $75)

💸Health Insurance & Meds Total: $1,335.21(Insurance $932 - Meds $403.21)

💸Maintenance/Repairs Total: $40.45

💸Vehicle/ RV Insurance Total: $82.90(Truck & Car Insurance $61.26 - RV Insurance $21.64)

💸Cell Service Total: $64 (Mark’s Cell $32 Evielynne’s Cell $32)

💸 Food Total: $379.78(Food $339.78 - Lairds Creamer $40)

💸TV Total: $28.91(Hulu $9.99 - Prime $12.50 - Peacock $6.42)

💸Online Apps Total: $227.02

(Google Apps $32.98 - LinkTree $9.09 -Facebook Ad’s $134.96 - Canva $10 - Rocket Law $39.99)

💸Pets (Chewy) Total: $110

💸Amazon Total: $27.73

💸Clothes Total: $26.80

💸Laundry Total: $107

Total Expenses before Savings: $2,635.00

Total went into savings: $2000.00


$4,635.00 —------> Thank God for Evielynne’s Social Media Business and Plasma Donations to meet our goal for November

We were able to put away $2000 for the month of November. 11 months to go.

Our November 2023 expenses.