
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Homemade Ketchup vs Store Bought Ketchup

 Homemade Ketchup vs Store Bought Ketchup.

Is there a difference? Ummmmmmmmmm, HELL YES!!... 

Store Bought Ketchup: Has ingredients that are just so bad for you on so many levels. I'm a type 1 diabetic so ketchup has always been a major no no..

High Fructose:
  • increases appetite (which food manufacturers want because it's profit over health for a majority of ketchup makers)
  • promotes obesity 
  • inflammation HIGH triglycerides
  • spikes sugar levels
  • natural flavors - which are really flavor-boosting chemicals (MSG - which is man made chemicals that cause additicians - AGAIN Profits over Health

See in the ingredients High Fructose Corn Syrup and lets add more with the Corn Syrup and to be sure to keep you coming back for more lets add in Natural Flavoring

So calorie wise it isn't bad, but that's not the problem. You can burn calories, you can't burn chemicals. So if you look at the sugar.

  • Total Sugars 4 grams (which is a lot for a spoonful of ketchup. That's 1 spoonful of sugar in a serving of ketchup BUT now there is the added sugar of 7%, that's almost a double amount of sugar, now think about how much ketchup we put on a hot dog. It definitely isn't a serving, maybe 3-4 servings on a hot dog. Add up all the sugar you just ate on top of the loaded chemicals - yuck, and welcome to a sick body)   
Ketchup as a whole isn't expensive... The label you see in the picture is $1.18 for a 24oz bottle and for a Bobby Approved (Primal Kitchen Organic which has 1% sugar and 0 added sugar and none of the terrible chemicals I named earlier) is $4.47 for a 11.03 oz bottle. So why in the heck would I pay 4 times the amount of money for less ketchup? Medical investment on my body - that's my thinking. But not everyone can afford that. 

HOMEMADE Ketchup cost me about $3 a bottle (actually this last batch was about $2.25 because I got some of the ingredients on sale and bought in bulk for future savings).  

Here is the Flavcity homemade ketchup recipe (and you can change the amounts to fit your taste - like for me I only use 4 Tbsp of the monkfruit (and if you use the coconut sugar instead it's even cheaper to make), I'll be cutting down to 3 Tbsp next time to see if we still like it and if not we'll go back to the 4 Tbsp. 

6 oz organic tomato paste
1 cup water 
5 Tbsp monkfruit or coconut sugar (I used 4 on my last batch of the monkfruit)
1/4 cup apple vinegar
1 tsp onion and garlic powder
3/4 tsp smoked paprika 
1/8 tsp ground cinnamon and ground cloves
1 tsp unrefined salt

I double my batch because I use one jar towards meatloaf and the rest for whatever we have a desire to add ketchup too. 

7.3 calories (beats the 20 cals)
1.26 grams of net carbs
1.49 grams of total carbs
0 fat
0.21 grams of protein
0.21 grams of fiber


Jan 8th food journal

Sunday - REST DAY so no exercise for the day, so that my body can recover. I actually stayed in PJ's because it was also my day off from work. 

Breakfast: Protein Shake
Lunch: Peas/Avocado/Cheese (cheese wasn't bobby approved)/EVOO/Spices
Dinner: French Fries with Homemade Ketchup 

Mark made popcorn for us to snack on today (he used coconut oil instead of popping oil). 

Morning Pills/Night Pills taken
Blue Tea

Quiet day, I took the day to watch some education videos about cooking and about food and of course exercising too. 

Again I am not your doctor. I am doing this blog for me to track what is working and what isn't working for me. This also gives me a timeline to see how long it's taking me to a better body, mindset and cooking. If you use any of the tips I have here or products, you do it at your own risk. 

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