
Monday, February 6, 2023

Jan 11th is my CHEAT DAY

 Jan 11th is my cheat day (this is allowing me to cut out those ADDICTIVE things that are causing my extra load of fatigue). 

OMG I did 4 Dr Pepper Sodas (this is VERY VERY VERY bad - and as a reminder in real time I am ahead of these posts by a month so it's killing me to relive my evil habits). I had gotten so off track that I was doing this DAILY. The copious amounts of sugar found in a soda can contribute to activating our reward centers in our brains, similar to what happens with drugs, and triggers the release of dopamine. Caffeine, which is a stimulant, can be craved by our brains and make us dependent on our daily intake of them.

I paid the price for drinking those 4 cans of soda. I felt down and out. And seriously had pushed through the day. I cleaned the RV, put all of our cleaned laundry away, it was my turn to do the cat box. I didn't feel up to the task by any means but I was not going to allow my stupid soda addiction to ruin everything.

And more depressingly it's our financial meeting today too. We do this every other Wednesday to assign where our paycheck money goes too. It's a pain in the butt but it keeps us on the same page which saves us from arguing about money (something we really haven't done much of because we work together on our goals). 

$750 goes into savings
$86 RV Insurance
$119.99 pays off Canva for the year
Leftover funds goes towards our vitamins. All of Mark's Bio donation money goes towards our food and gas for the truck. Since I pay off most of our bills once a year, we are managing to stay ahead of the game. We are working on upgrading our insurance on all our vehicles and paying off that bill with 6 months in advance for a year. If we can pull off enough sideline work/tips we are going to do the year. The odd week checks go towards our 2024 Bills so when the time comes, we pay them off. The secret sauce for us is 

Breakfast: Coffee/Water
Lunch: Protein Shake
Dinner: Brussel Sprouts/Delicata Squash/Bacon (a new dish for us)

For the full recipe we recommend FLAVCITY 

And this was so beyond yummy. The dressing was a major SHOCK for us. I would never have guessed the combo of the herbs and honey would make a huge taste difference.

Snack we had popcorn (butter was not Bobby Approved) 
    Cheese bits (again was not Bobby Approved)

Morning/Night Pills taken.

I am NOT a doctor. Everything I am doing is about my food and health journey. If you do anything from this article, you are doing it by your own free will. 

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