
Monday, January 23, 2023

I am almost at the end of the first week of this new life!


I am almost at the end of the first week of this new life... (the real date that I am at is Jan 23, so it's pretty good to be able to reflect the difference - if there is any to be had). It's Jan 6 of my journey. Wow, it's been a hard but easy 6 days. I'm putting in the mindset work, the food work and introducing exercise, along with my facial routine. 

It's a GREAT day, I felt inspired all day. I get a smidge of hope that YES, I can do this. I certainly think the key is to surround myself with videos, podcasts and so much research (the research on meals, and food ingredients. lol I kept telling myself, that I have a solid 3 months still to go to really see any major changes, but that smidge of feeling alive was there for me today. 

However my poor face is looking REALLY terrible. Blotches and huge pores and just unhealthy. Even more so than when I started my new journey. I'm guessing all of that bad stuff is leaving my face. I'm going through a pause called DETOXIFYING ORGANS, it's when you cut things out of your diet such as sugar, alcohol and processed foods, by doing this it's changing the levels of inflammations to the body. 

I'm applying  Retinol Gel 0.1 that repairs fine lines, scars and sun spots. For my age, I really don't have a lot of wrinkles. But I do have acne scars and one major dark sun spot about the size of a quarter. I am applying this daily until the peeling starts, and then lay off of it until my skin gets used to it. The picture, you can see the area I'm talking about.  (I guess it's ok to give a little spoiler, I ahead of this blog and by doing this blog article today, even I can see a start to change on my face - this is for those that depend on some kind of timeline. But to truly know, I have to be at 3 months to fully say YES, or SO-SO or sadly NO).

I just have to be patient with myself. If I'm not seeing progress by April 1st, then I will take the next major step. But I truly do need to give myself the full 3 months on my own to fight for those changes.

5 am Coffee
BREAKFAST: Protein Shake
LUNCH: 1 Hard Boiled Egg, 1/2 Avocado, Pasta, Peas, Water
Dinner: Cauliflower Crust Pizza with air fried chicken, onion, EVOO (extra Virgin Olive Oil), Water

Did my 15 minute dancing

Face Cream

That was my day... Small baby steps felt like a major success today!! 

AGAIN this blog is about my weight/face journey. I am NOT a doctor. So if you use or apply anything from this blog to your own personal journey, you do it by your own free will.

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