
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Don't trust a Fart

 Don't trust a FART.

Oh my gosh, I was poop all flipping night? This is how my January 2nd was. A start to a new start. I took The 1st, 2nd and the 3rd off so that I can rest while my body fights this new war. I have to train it to do what I want it to do of sorts. 

So naps are going to be in order today. I'll be posting what my meals are during this journal along with recipes.

After pooping all night I woke up at 7am. And before my coffee chugged down my first water of the day (we buy and refill our own water, if you've ever seen the movie Signs, I'm that little girl, except I don't leave my cups all around). 

  • Water
  • Water
  • Morning Pills 
  • Breakfast - Protein Shake
  • Water
  • Lunch - Sweet Potatoes/Green Bean/Roast (a deck of card size amounts of the meat)
  • Water with a tea bag
  • Dinner - Cauliflower Crust Pizza with roast pieces of meat/cheese/cilantro/Olive Oil and spices (I only had two small slices)
  • Water
  • Water
  • Night Pills
  • Vinegar Water

Energy was so beyond low. I did the cooking and the RV chores: Washing dishes/scoops the kitty box and I pooped A LOT today. I had a major headache and felt VERY bloated. A real miserable.

I read my book and watched a lot of TV. I decided to hold off until the 6th to add exercise to my lifestyle. My mindset was NOT in a good place. (ooooh, I should mention I am a soda addict. And this has caused me nothing but grief - but again it's baby steps. So I will only have soda on my cheat day, more about that in another post). Let's see what the 3rd brings.

TIP: When doing any kind of cleanse, DO NOT EVER TRUST A FART #JustSaying

Please remember this blog is for me. I am NOT a doctor and if you use any of the items I talk about, you're doing it by your choice. This is about my food journey. 

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