
Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Happy New Year, After New Year

 Happy New Year, After New Year...

This is what I wrote in my food journal:

So it's New Years Day (although I am two weeks ahead of this blog to give me time to reflect). Here we go "Old Fattie" ------> I'm allowed to call myself that. It's tough love directed to me. I'm excited and I am beyond scared. I just measured my belly and I have quickly with the utmost REALITY learned that I have to lose 10 inches off my tummy. That 10 inches equals about 40 lbs (WTF? What the Food??). 

** We do not own a scale and won't - the stress of getting into better shape is hard and I want my mindset to be a calm as possible**

How do I view myself?

  1. Low Energy
  2. No Motivation
  3. I avoid mirrors at all cost
  4. I feel like I have the flu all the time (get off that already, that's CANCER)
  5. I allowed food to be used to punish myself. My emotional support (from my winter stay in Quartzsite what a certain someone did to our family affected me emotionally, I had lost my voice).
  6. I give up easily when I am not getting the support I feel I need - but then I wasn't using my voice out of fear of nagging or whining.
Baby steps, you have got to learn to slow down the process and #BuildUp. And for goodness sake reward yourself for every goal you accomplish. And its ok to invest in yourself and still give back

  1. Cut down on food portions 
  2. Workout Schedule
  3. Better Pain Management
  4. Mindset Reset
  5. Build Bridges
  6. Get EXCITED for ME

Here we go WORLD.....

I am 5'5 age 50 and my Belly is 40 inches (I should be in the range of 30-33)

That's it and it is enough to want to get into a fetal position. I did 2 fasting shakes that are going to make me poop my brains out. Sorry again this blog is for me, and I'm not going to hide anything. It's real and it's what I have to do to save myself!! I did drink my required water intake of 75-121 oz

I used Detoxifiber it's Bobby Approved 

This Blog is about ME. It's about my food journey. It may be right or wrong and this is what I have to figure out. I am NOT a DOCTOR. I am a Bobby Approve - flacity supporter, I don't want to eat chemical poison. If you follow anything from this blog, you are doing it by your choice. Again I am not a doctor!!

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