
Friday, January 20, 2023


 It's a CHEATING DAY for Jan 4th 

What, what? I'm going to CHEAT today? Yes Sir and Yes Ma'am!! So what does that look like. Warning, every Wednesday is going to look different. If I'm going to work hard 6 days a week, I need an off day. 

Today was in store research because it's the mini food shopping day. Today was about what we can find Bobby Approved in the Cooking Oil. And it's only Olive or Avocado oil and that's it. Awesome job Walmart, please keep bringing healthier foods in. 

Today, I started my 15 minutes a day of dancing. I watched some videos of Body Groove and liked it a lot. I opt not to buy the program because we are on such a tight budget (saving for an RV) and with the rise in cost for our food, I am going to freestyle on my own and save the money. The first 7 days will consist of dancing for 15 minutes with a rest day. And then the next week I'll add working out with weights for 3 minutes, and then the following week after that, I'll add 5 minutes to my dancing and 2 additional minutes to the weights. By the warmer months, we have a HUGE hill nearby that we'll start tackling by foot. Baby steps. This is where I fail. My younger days thing was to go in hard and I'm just not able to do that anymore because I do have limitations. I have to pace myself SLOWLY and build up the endurance so that it's not taking me 5 days of healing from hurting time but short hurting recovery allowing me to workout daily. It felt right to start this on a cheat day, since I added more food to my daily intake. 

That's going to be it for today. I'll see you tomorrow. Will I be in pain or what? And as a daily reminder that I am NOT a doctor. So if you do any of the things from this blog, you are doing it by your own choice. This is my journey to better living. 

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